Triode64 Audio Preamp + Toroidal PSU Combo


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Triode-Toroid Combo
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1 unit
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1 unit

Product Overview

Triode64 Package

The Triode64 audio preamp module for your EVO is like a steampunk fantasy come true.

It uses four real triode vacuum tubes to achieve a level of SID audio processing that goes way beyond the imagination.

The tubes add rich, complimentary harmonics to your audio that thicken your bass frequencies, while adding crispness and presense to the upper frequencies to reveal the details and subtle nuances that you never heard before.

As you might expect, powering these tubes requires some additional audio-grade power, which needs to be clean and pristine, so that's where the all new EVO PWR module comes in. It completley replaces your current power supply, with extremely low noise and stable voltages (both 9AC and 5DC) throughout extended periods of use. 

The PSU cable is pretty awesome too, with a metalic aviation plug and high quality REAN DIN-7 connector. 


Included with this Combo package:

1. An assembled, tested and fully hand-calibrated Triode64 audio preamp module for your EVO64 system

2. A set of four fully-tested vacuum tubes, which can be either 6GM8, 6N27P or ECC86, depending on component availability

3. An EVO PWR hand-assembled and fully tested replacement power supply for you EVO, which uses a High Power and ultra low noise, audio-grade Toroidal transformer

4. A hand-assembled and fully tested power cable for your PSU, which uses flexible cord and a high quality metalic aviation plug on one end, with a genuine REAN 7-Pin DIN on the other

5. A set of four hex stand-offs, with all required screws required to mount the module into your EVO64

6. A 1/8" (3.5mm) stereo-audio breakout cable, with a low profile plug that will fit into the rear of the most common C64 cases (Breadbin, C64c wedge, Plexilaser, as well as the & Dallas Moore case remakes, etc.)


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  • 5
    Triode64 Audio Pre-amp

    Posted by Jon Brawn on May 10th 2024

    This device looks spectacular, and sounds even better. My completely subjective description of the audio is that it "knocks the corners off", so that the SID sound is less harsh and buzzy. If you're buying this add-on and you want to put your EVO-64 in a case then you'll either have to purchase one pre-designed to accommodate the Triode64, or be prepared to get crafty. It is worth mentioning again that this is a pre-amp not a power amp, and to get the best out of your system you'll need a quality power amplifier and speakers that are equally good. The other thing I'm going to mention in the 'blooming obvious' section is that this will only work with the EVO64 main board. Don't drop the power supply on your foot.